That the development of technologies R & D + i should be focused for our comfort and evolution as a species, must be one of the most solid pillars on which to focus such developments . However, there are new technologies such as Ultra -Ever Dry Nissan , which may involve a turning point in the automotive world . Not a full-blown industrial revolution , and certainly smart nano -paints will continue to develop in the coming years to facilitate our day to day, and indirectly , will save water. A resource that is scarce in many places .
All you look at the new technologies today are being applied in cars. So much competition, even a brand like Nissan rivals thanks to brands such as Porsche and technological models as well developed as the Nissan GT -R Nismo . Yet , technologies like Ultra -Ever Dry Nissan will have a much bigger impact , and further technological progress , the results are visible and easily verifiable. And also makes our life easier. That is why today we will talk about this new nano - smart paint that is able to self - clean up our car almost instantly .
We all know that Nissan, along with many Japanese brands, invest time and money in new Concept Cars, plus technological developments. The result of these developments obtivieron results as the Nissan Leaf was fourth in the Rally of Monte-Carlo Zero Emission. But today we are talking about the new technology based on nano-technology. With the new Ultra-Ever Dry Nissan Japan's attempt to eliminate the typical weekly cleaning our body, and that if we are clean, of course. Specifically, this innovative technology based on nano-paint is able to repel dust, mud and dust, among other things. What also will be a cost savings.
Nissan Ultra-Ever Dry, smart nano-paint that cleans itself - You can download Nissan Ultra-Ever Dry, smart nano-paint that cleans itself picture for free. Click the image to download the Nissan Ultra-Ever Dry, smart nano-paint that cleans itself.